Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Iron Curtain Separates Europe

1. What is your overall impression of Source 26 (p. 70) and use extracts from the source to support your view. (No fence sitting; you must choose one but not both)      

• a reasonable assessment of Stalin’s aims based on the facts
• an overreaction to Stalin’s actions based on fear of and prejudice towards the USSR?                
My impression of Source 26 was that the British were very against Stalin and didn't want him to take over the world. They had a reasonable assessment of Stalin's aims based on the facts. They were taking everything very seriously and considered that there is a possibility that he could take over the world and he likely wants to.

2. Source 26 is a British source. Does it seem likely that similar documents were being produced by the American government?    
It seems very likely that documents similar to the British Source 26 were being produced by the American government. America was just as involved as the British and largely agreed upon most things, and it is very likely that they also feared that Stalin was a threat to civilization. 

3. Study Source 27 (p. 71) and make a list of three different actions that Communists took to achieve power in eastern Europe. AND Explain how each factor helped.  
1.) Killed/executed opposing politicians- without competition, they couldn't lose
2.) Take control of all countries that were their enemies in WWII- If they controlled them, they couldn't be opposed by them
3.) Become leader of a country, then make it exclusively communist- Communism was the only option and would last for a while


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