Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Origins of the Cold War Outline

Thesis: While both The Soviet Union and The United States of America contributed to the start of the Cold War, the Soviet Union was more at fault.

Main Point 1: Stalin's actions and demands at Yalta and Potsdam
                      -Wanted to completely crush Germany
                      -Wanted to control Eastern European countries

Main Point 2: Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift
                     -Stalin was testing USA
                     -Wanted US to knock down wall so he could declare war
                     -Cut off West Berlin

Main Point 3: USA drops bombs on Japan
                     -Didn't want Soviet help
                     -Trying to prove that they're better than the Soviets
                     -Now Soviets will want atomic bombs

Main Point 4: Truman was very anti-Communist
                     -Wouldn't compromise with Stalin like FDR did
                     -Wanted to spread democracy
                     -Truman Doctrine tried to contain communism

Different Interpretation: All US's fault
                    -Didn't want to make compromises
                    -Capitalism and Communism could never mix
                    -Marshall Plan- America also has to get involved


 Thesis: While the USSR did have some influence to the start of the cold war, it was mostly the USA's fault.

Main Point 1: The US dropped bombs on Japan

  • Did this to keep Soviets out of Japan
  • Showed that they are better than the Soviets
  • Now Soviets will want bombs to keep up with America- America created competition

Main Point 2: Truman Doctrine and Policy of Containment
  • Truman was very anti-Communism
  • Tried to contain Soviet influence in Greece and Turkey
  • Gave $400 million in military and economic aid to them
  • Said they had to do that to protect free people from Soviet takeover 

Main Point 3: Marshall Plan

  • Western Europe was in chaos
  • US gave about $13 billion to countries to "help fight hunger/poverty"
  • This resulted in the Western European countries thriving
  • Communism lost much appeal to voters

Main Point 4: US had selfish aims

  • Rebuild Europe to be able to trade with them
  • Gain access to raw materials and markets
  • Spread capitalism

Main Point 5: NATO

  • America teamed up with 11 other countries
  • All were willing to fight USSR
  • Teamed up on Soviets, ready to fight

D/I: Stalin was uncompromising at Yalta and Potsdam

  • Wanted to completely crush Germany
  • Unwilling to compromise with anybody
  • Wanted control over Eastern European countries 

D/I 2: Berlin Blockade

  • Stalin was testing US
  • Wanted US to knock down wall so he could declare war
  • Cut off West Berlin

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